Who Voted in favor of Brexit?

Brexit was indeed a major event for UK. While Brexit is said to be caused by gear of immigration, we will look at some variables such as party affiliation and, percentage of uk residents born in the uk and percentage of voters having a university degree , of specific counties of UK. The data comes from Elliott Morris, who cleaned it and made it available through his DataCamp class on analysing election and polling data in R.

We first read the file and glimse over it.

url <- "https://assets.datacamp.com/production/repositories/1934/datasets/7c5ad33c949eb0042d50f8c18d538cde0c7bf4e7/brexit_results.csv"
# Download TFL data to temporary file
httr::GET(url, write_disk(brexit.temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")))
## Response [https://assets.datacamp.com/production/repositories/1934/datasets/7c5ad33c949eb0042d50f8c18d538cde0c7bf4e7/brexit_results.csv]
##   Date: 2020-09-20 21:16
##   Status: 200
##   Content-Type: <unknown>
##   Size: 71.4 kB
## <ON DISK>  C:\Users\Public\Documents\Wondershare\CreatorTemp\RtmpMbJWbL\fileb72056be1f93.csv
# Use read_excel to read it as dataframe
brexit_results <- read_csv(brexit.temp)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Seat = col_character(),
##   con_2015 = col_double(),
##   lab_2015 = col_double(),
##   ld_2015 = col_double(),
##   ukip_2015 = col_double(),
##   leave_share = col_double(),
##   born_in_uk = col_double(),
##   male = col_double(),
##   unemployed = col_double(),
##   degree = col_double(),
##   age_18to24 = col_double()
## )
Seat con_2015 lab_2015 ld_2015 ukip_2015 leave_share born_in_uk male unemployed degree age_18to24
Aldershot 50.592 18.333 8.824 17.867 57.89777 83.10464 49.89896 3.637000 13.870661 9.406093
Aldridge-Brownhills 52.050 22.369 3.367 19.624 67.79635 96.12207 48.92951 4.553607 9.974114 7.325850
Altrincham and Sale West 52.994 26.686 8.383 8.011 38.58780 90.48566 48.90621 3.039963 28.600135 6.437453
Amber Valley 43.979 34.781 2.975 15.887 65.29912 97.30437 49.21657 4.261173 9.336294 7.747801
Arundel and South Downs 60.788 11.197 7.192 14.438 49.70111 93.33793 48.00189 2.468100 18.775592 5.734730

One may observe that the data in the brexit_results file is untidy, and we may want to use pivot_longer to put all the party percentages in the same column called ‘parpercent’, and the name of the party in the colomn ‘party’.

# Tide data
brexit_results1<-brexit_results %>% 
  # Pivot longer
  pivot_longer(names_to= 'party', values_to='parpercent', cols=c(con_2015, lab_2015, ld_2015, ukip_2015)) %>% 
  # Select variables of interest
  select(leave_share, party, parpercent)
# Show results
leave_share party parpercent
57.89777 con_2015 50.592
57.89777 lab_2015 18.333
57.89777 ld_2015 8.824
57.89777 ukip_2015 17.867
67.79635 con_2015 52.050

We color each party with its specific hex color, and we add each corespondence to a vector called pal.

# Create vector
pal <- c(
  "ld_2015" = "#FDBB30",
  "con_2015" = "#0087dc", 
  "lab_2015" = "#d50000", 
  "ukip_2015" = "#EFE600")
# Create ggplot
ggplot(brexit_results1, aes(x=parpercent,leave_share, color=party))+
  geom_point(aes(color=factor(party)), shape=21, size=0.1, alpha=0.1)+#display different points, colored according to different parties
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.3)+ #adjust transparency, make the points more visible
  scale_color_manual(name=NULL, values=pal, labels=c("Conservative", "Labour", 'Lib Dems', 'UKIP'))+ #change points according to party colors, change legend labels names
  geom_smooth(method=lm)+ #to create the lines
  theme(legend.position="bottom")+ #we moved the legend from right to bottom 
  labs(title='How political affiliation translated to Brexit voting', x='Party % in the UK general elections', y='Leave % in the 2016 Brexit referendum')
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

Looking at the graph, one may observe that the more the county is affiliated with UKIP, the more likely they are to vote for leave. The line is quite steep, which makes us think that the two variables are indeed correlated. Conversely, the more the country is affiliated with Liberal Democrats party, the more likely the citizens are to vote agains Brexit.

ggplot(brexit_results, aes(x = born_in_uk, y = leave_share)) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.25) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", col='#FFC0CB') +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "People born in UK scared of immigration?",
x = " Percent of UK Resident Born in the UK",
y = " Percent of votes cast in favor of Brexit ")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

We can notice a high concetration of votes in the upper right corner, telling us that in the counties with high percentage of people born in the UK, there was a high percentage of votes in favor of Brexit.

sum(is.na(brexit_results$degree)) #Checking if there are any missing values
## [1] 59
degree_brex<-brexit_results %>% 
  filter(degree!= "NA") #filter for non missing values
hey<-ggplot(degree_brex, aes(x = degree, y = leave_share)) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.2) +
  #add pink regression line
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", col='#FF1493') +
  #change theme
  theme_minimal() +
  #add labels
  labs(title = "More people without a degree voted for Brexit!",
x = " Percent of UK Residents in a County Having a Degree",
y = " Percent of votes cast in favor of Brexit ", 
source= "https://www.thecrosstab.com/")

## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

We can thus infer that conties lower percentages of degree votes for Brexit more, as the line sharply decreses when the percentage of degrees increses. If only the people were more educated so Brexit would not have happened!